Women’s Ministry

“Our Women’s Ministry exists to encourage women of all ages and seasons of life to grow in the knowledge of Christ Our Savior.  Our prayer is that we would delight together in God’s Word, be renewed and transformed through the study of the Scriptures, cherish and share the Gospel, equip women to serve Christ and others. and develop and strengthen intimate friendships with other women.  Our goal is to please God, to know Him fully and to allow Him to fulfill His purposes for our lives as women.” 

2024 will be a memorable year for our ministry.  We plan to have many new opportunities for spiritual growth, as well as some activities to fellowship.

  • On Saturday, January 13, 2024, 10:00 am, we will begin a monthly meeting for a book study.  The first book will be Sacred Rhythms, by Ruth Haley Barton.  It is an introductory study to Christian spiritual disciplines.  The goal is to learn how to create a rhythm in our lives of setting aside time to hear the voice of God.
  • The Chosen Movie Nights continue with Season 4 beginning Friday, September 20, 2025 at 7 pm.
    This season brings many time of Sadness for Jesus and his disciples, but also moments of joy and breakthroughs.  Each month we will see a new episode.  Episode 2 –October 25, Episode 3–November 15; Episode 3–December 20; Episode 4–January 17, 2025; Episode 5–February 21, 2025; Episode 6–March 21; Episode 7 and 8 on April 11 (before Easter).
  • The Shalom 2 Women’s Retreat is set for Friday and Saturday, October 18 through 19, beginning at 10 am at the Timberline Camp and Retreat Center.   You’re invited to come and spend time in nature, God’s creation, guided by Kathy Owen through scripture and discussion, to hear the voice of God.  In these two days we will discover how the Lord is longing to talk to us, but we have been too busy.  We will also become aware of how we are also longing to hear and talk to him.   Spending time in silence and solitude will help us listen for his voice.

Contact:  Lourdes Pruneda at lourdes@crossingbaptist.org